Cheryl Redhead
About Connect Society
Founded in 1963, Connect Society exists to strengthen connections among Deaf, hard of hearing and hearing people. We are a nonprofit community agency providing individuals and families with resources to help them fully participate within families, relationships and the community. We believe the ability to communicate fully is an essential and basic need. This is our purpose.
Over the years, Connect Society’s commitment to meeting the needs of families affected by hearing loss has inspired a variety of center-based and outreach services that are now responsible to a broad range of groups, needs and abilities.

Kathy Holinski
Early Intervention Program Manager / Family Support Manager
Early Intervention Program
Early Intervention Program (EIP) provides children newborn to 31/2 years of age who have a hearing loss or are children of Deaf parents (CODA) with in-home and community support.
Family Support Services
Family Support Services assists families affected by hearing loss to obtain services and resources within their community. Family Support staff also support families of children enrolled in ECS and EIP programs.

Kelly Roth
Early Childhood Services – Edmonton
Early Childhood Services – Edmonton
Edmonton Early Childhood Services (ECS) offers a preschool and kindergarten program for children 3 to 6 years who have hearing loss or a family member with a hearing loss. The ECS program offers specialized speech and language programming and includes instruction in both English and American Sign Language (ASL).

Margarita Vance
Early Childhood Services – Calgary
Early Childhood Services – Calgary
Calgary Early Childhood Services (ECS) offers a preschool and kindergarten program for children 3 to 6 years who have hearing loss or a family member with a hearing loss. The ECS program offers specialized speech and language programming and includes instruction in both English and American Sign Language (ASL).

Kelly Ilkiw
Community Living Support Services Manager / Stay and Study Program Coordinator
Community Living Support Services
Community Living Support Services assists Deaf adults who have developmental delays to fully participate in their communities.
Stay and Study Program
The Stay and Study Program facilitates students from outside of the greater Edmonton area to participate in specialized educational programs by connecting these students with Host Families.

Marilyn Calkins
Literacy Coordinator
Literacy Program

Roni McCarthy
DeafBlind Support Services – Edmonton
DeafBlind Support Service program
The DeafBlind Support Service Program entails both Deaf and Hearing Support Service Providers (SSPs) who have undergone training in Orientation and Mobility, Tactile American Sign Language and basic Pro-Tactile. The SSPs support DeafBlind individuals as well as Hard of Hearing (or Late-Deafened) Blind individuals, individuals with low vision and hearing.