Connect Society’s Early Childhood Services Program provides daily, on-site preschool and kindergarten programming for children with a hearing loss and for hearing children who have Deaf or hard of hearing parents or family members.

Our programs provide children with opportunities to develop strong language abilities and to build skills and strategies that will prepare them for effective interactions within their families as well as in educational and community settings.

The Early Childhood Services staff are knowledgeable and experienced with early childhood development, hearing loss and its considerable impacts on communication, social/emotional development as well as academic skills development.  The team includes Alberta certified teachers, speech and language pathologist, educational assistants, an American Sign Language facilitator, family literacy instructors, and social workers. Occupational and Physical Therapists work on site as needed.

The Program Accepts:

  • Children whose language is impacted by a diagnosed permanent mild to profound hearing loss
  • Children with cochlear implants
  • Children who have Deaf or hard of hearing parents or family members
  • Limited space is available for children who do not fit the requirements
  • Children must be between the ages of 2 years 8 months and 5 years 6 months

What does the program offer my child?

Language enriched classroom instruction:
  • Classroom environments that support and encourage a child’s whole development, with an emphasis on speech and language skills, social interaction and an early literacy focused curriculum
  • Opportunities for teacher-led activities, centre-based discovery learning, free play, small group projects, gross motor and fine motor activities
  • Parents determine the language services that their children receive (speech/language and/or American Sign Language)
  • Classes are Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 2:30 pm
Speech language services:
  • Daily group or individual speech and language therapy, auditory training and rhythm/music activities
  • Ongoing formal and informal assessment
  • Speech Language Pathologists collaborate with classroom/program staff to ensure continuity of goals and to provide opportunities for generalization of speech and language skills
An optimal listening experience:
  • SoundField and FM/DM amplification systems in each classroom
  • Daily monitoring of all hearing aids and cochlear implants
  • Collaboration with your child’s audiologist
  • Small class sizes
Occupational and Physical Therapy Services:
  • Available to support individual and group development activities in the classroom
American Sign Language (ASL):
  • ASL facilitator provides daily opportunities for small group language learning
  • ASL facilitators collaborate with classroom teachers/program staff to ensure continuity of goals and to provide opportunities for generalization of skills
American Sign Language for Families

Connect Society offers families of deaf or hard of hearing children opportunities to learn American Sign Language to enhance communication within the family. For more information, please contact us.

What can the program offer me as a parent?

  • In home consultation and support by teaching staff offers you coaching, information, resources and strategies to help you with your child’s development
  • An open door policy.  Parents are welcome and encouraged to visit their child’s classroom and connect with program staff
  • Speech language pathologist provides regular updates on children’s progress and areas of need. Available to consult with parents and other professionals involved in the care of the child
  • In-home American sign Language instruction is available for families desiring further knowledge and skills in this area



  • School Buses with integrated seats are available to transport your child. Please contact us to see if your child qualifies.  Alternatively, you may choose to drive your child yourself, mileage costs are supported

How do I find out more or book a tour of the facility?

Kelly Roth

Kelly Roth

Early Childhood Services – Edmonton


Contact the Program:

How do I find out more or book a tour of the facility?


Kelly Roth

Kelly Roth

Early Childhood Services – Edmonton